RACE Lab Archive - Page 8 of 28 - RACE
28 Feb 2023

Pattern Discovery and Forecasting of Attrition using Timeseries Analysis

Attrition is the term used to describe when employees leave a company either voluntarily or involuntarily,...,,...
28 Feb 2023

Development of Analytical Data Mart and Data Pipeline for Recruitment Analytics

Business research is producing new knowledge at an astounding rate, yet it is still fragmented and heterogeneous...,,...
28 Feb 2023

Identify Melanoma using CNN

Skin cancer is a common disease that affects mankind significantly every year there are more new cases of skin cancer than the..,,...
28 Feb 2023

AI/ML Based Sensitive Data Discovery and Classification of Unstructured Data

The amount of data produced every day is enormous. According to Forbes, 2.5 quintillion data is created daily ..,,...
28 Feb 2023

Real-Time Depth Detection: A Novel Approach using Geometric Computation and Rule-Based Algorithms

The evolving of depth camera with deep learning technology have been setting the pavement for various applications in today’s digital..,...
28 Feb 2023

Fuel Efficient Self-Driven Vehicle using CNN with V2V Communication

The rapid increase in data generation by modern technology has ushered in a new era of information – the big data era. The huge amount of,...
28 Feb 2023

An Innovative Hybrid Recommendation System Integrating Content-Based

The rapid increase in data generation by modern technology has ushered in a new era of information – the big data era. The huge amount of,...
28 Feb 2023

Deploying NLP Techniques for Earnings Call Transcripts for Financial Analysis

Retail shelf planning is a critical component in optimizing product placement and enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers,...
28 Feb 2023

Retail Shelf Planning Using YOLO V8

Retail shelf planning is a critical component in optimizing product placement and enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers,...
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