M-IoT Device Security for Healthcare Ensure Patient Health Risk Wouldn’t Compromise

Healthcare providers scuffle to understand and alleviate medical device risk, particularly devices connected to the hospital network and directly involved in patient care. Healthcare sectors are detonating with the latest connected medical devices. It includes infusion pumps, MRI machines, x- ray machines, heart monitors, communication badges, etc. Which would help Doctors, Nurses and other Clinicians deliver fast and higher quality overhaul.
Meanwhile, patients themselves are concerned about the growing reports of cyberattacks on healthcare organizations. As connected medical devices are evolving, they open up deadly vulnerabilities that put patient lives at risk. Nevertheless, these devices cannot take an agent, also they are difficult to update and would be difficult to manage by traditional security solutions. All this situates sensitive data, operations, and patient safety at high risk.
But what would be the actual risks and what would be the hype? This White Paper gives security specialists an M-IoT device risk heat map that explains the actual risks and proposes the mitigation best practices.
Published in: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology IJERT-August 2021 (Volume 10 – Issue 8)