RACE Lab Archive - Page 18 of 29 - RACE
3 Sep 2021

Data Science Bridges the Gap between Business and Technology

Today, data science has become an integral part of enterprises as it helps to achieve a competitive edge over their competitors.
18 Aug 2021

AI/ML Disruption- The New Normal

The emergence of the pandemic had created an impact not only on the global economy but also disrupted the technology at large.
15 Aug 2021

Social Media Based Recommender System for E-Commerce Platforms

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
9 Aug 2021

Customer Lifetime Value Prediction and Segmentation Using Machine Learning

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
9 Aug 2021

Rejection Analysis of Cast Wheel by CRISP-DM and Machine Learning

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
9 Aug 2021

Detecting DDoS Attack with AI/ML Models

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
9 Aug 2021

M-IoT Device Security for Healthcare Ensure Patient Health Risk Wouldn’t Compromise

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
27 Jul 2021

Cloud Adoption and Cyber Revolution

Machine learning and deep learning models add value to organizations as they provide insights to the end-users.
16 Jul 2021

Machine Learning & Deep Learning Deployment Strategies

Machine learning and deep learning models add value to organizations as they provide insights to the end-users.
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