Artificial Intelligence Archives - Page 10 of 14 - RACE
13 Aug 2020

AI/ML in BFSI Use Cases and Careers

BFSI is an acronym for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance. BFSI sector consists of commercial banks ....
10 Jul 2020

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Tasks

Deep learning is the subcategory of machine learning in the artificial intelligence domain. It has neural networks....
8 Jul 2020

Threat Modeling of Cloud based Implementation of Homomorphic Encryption

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
25 Jun 2020

Conversational AI and Its Applications

What is conversational AI? Majority of the people have a preconceived notion about conversational AI....
8 Jun 2020

Ransomware Threats

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
27 May 2020

Computer Vision and AI Applications

As a precursor to the launch of M. Tech/PGD in Artificial Intelligence, RACE organized a webinar on ‘Computer Vision ...
8 Apr 2020

Internet of things (IoT) and Security

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
8 Apr 2020

SAEKCS: Sentiment analysis for English–Kannada code switchtext using deep learning techniques

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
8 Mar 2020

A Study On Agriculture Commodities Price Prediction and Forecasting

Employees form the most expensive asset of an organization.
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