Categories Archives - Page 19 of 29 - RACE
6 Jul 2021

Future of Data Engineering

Data is ubiquitous today and is becoming the key differentiator in every industry or sector.
30 Jun 2021

Use of AI – A Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity

The adoption of data science has taken a dramatic uplift in the past decade. As the world continues to be data-driven, data analytics helps businesses...
18 Jun 2021

Top 7 Data and Analytics Trends in 2021

The adoption of data science has taken a dramatic uplift in the past decade. As the world continues to be data-driven, data analytics helps businesses...
24 May 2021

Dismantling AI- Reconstructing Your Idea of AI

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing various industries in different ways.
20 May 2021

Leadership in Cybersecurity: Evolving Role of CISO

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), a leadership role that is evolving constantly than any other roles in organizations.
17 May 2021

Moneyball in HR with HR Analytics

What is the Moneyball? Have you heard about the film called ‘Moneyball’?
12 May 2021

The Significance of Interaction Plots in Statistics

Interaction plots are used to understand the behavior of one variable depends ...
10 May 2021

Tech Innovations That Changed the World in the Last 25 Years

National Technology Day is celebrated in India on 11th May every year.
6 May 2021

Importance of Data Classification in Organizational Security

In this era of data, organizations are struggling hard with the enormous amount of data.
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