Topics Archives - Page 4 of 22 - RACE
27 Mar 2023

Grand Inauguration of Master’s program

RACE, REVA University hosted a grand inauguration event on March 25th, 2023
23 Mar 2023

AI-Powered IoT Application

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not new; it has been around for over 60 years
22 Mar 2023

Advanced techniques for secure and efficient cloud data

Commercial cloud storage providers have mostly adopted data deduplication technology, which is necessary.........
8 Mar 2023

REVA University Signs an MoU with Continental India

REVA University Signs an MoU with Continental India
28 Feb 2023

Securing a SaaS Application on AWS Cloud

A product trial is a great way of marketing. It offers a first-hand experience that a customer can use to evaluate the product,,...,,...
28 Feb 2023

An Interactive Web Solution for Electronic Health Records Segmentation and Prediction

A vast variety of patient data has been collected and monitored through Electronic Health Records (EHR) using ,,...,,...
28 Feb 2023

Securing Outsourced Personal Health Records on Cloud

Due to the greater flexibility and accessibility of data outsourcing environments such as cloud computing environments,,...,,...
28 Feb 2023

Resume Shortlisting and Ranking with Transformers

The study shown in this paper helps the human resource domain eliminate the time-consuming recruitment process task,...,,...
28 Feb 2023

Pattern Discovery and Forecasting of Attrition using Timeseries Analysis

Attrition is the term used to describe when employees leave a company either voluntarily or involuntarily,...,,...
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